
Introducing the 100 Y.O. Device, a revolutionary alternative energy solution designed to make solar panels obsolete. This review will delve into the device’s features, benefits, and overall quality, helping you determine if it’s a viable option for achieving energy independence and reducing your electricity bills.

Product Overview

The 100 Y.O. Device is a groundbreaking invention that claims to harness the inherent power of the space surrounding us to generate abundant and essentially free energy. It aims to provide an alternative to traditional energy sources like solar panels. By utilizing the principles discovered by John Worrell Keely, this device offers a unique solution to the world’s energy crisis.

Product Review: 100 Y.O. Device Makes Solar Panels Obsolete

Features and Benefits

  • Feature 1: Energy Independence: The 100 Y.O. Device promises to help users achieve energy independence by reducing their reliance on traditional energy sources and providing a sustainable alternative.
  • Feature 2: Cost Savings: By slashing electricity bills by up to 70% or more, this device offers significant cost savings for users, allowing them to pay as little as $20 instead of $100 or $50 instead of $250 on their monthly electricity bills.
  • Feature 3: Simple and Easy to Use: The device is designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible to a wide range of users. Its simplicity ensures that anyone can benefit from its energy-saving capabilities.

Product Quality

The 100 Y.O. Device is a result of extensive research and development, based on the principles discovered by John Worrell Keely. While its effectiveness and claims may be controversial, the device offers a unique approach to alternative energy solutions. Its quality lies in the potential it holds to revolutionize the energy industry and provide a cleaner and more sustainable future.

How It Works

The 100 Y.O. Device operates on the principles discovered by John Worrell Keely. While the exact details of its functioning are not disclosed, the device harnesses the power of the space surrounding us to generate energy. Users simply need to install and activate the device, and it will start producing electricity, helping them reduce their dependence on traditional energy sources.

Product Review: 100 Y.O. Device Makes Solar Panels Obsolete

Target Audience

The 100 Y.O. Device is intended for individuals and households who are looking for alternative energy solutions to reduce their carbon footprint and achieve energy independence. It is suitable for those who are interested in exploring innovative technologies and are willing to invest in sustainable energy solutions.

Product Review: 100 Y.O. Device Makes Solar Panels Obsolete


  • Significant cost savings on monthly electricity bills
  • Potential for energy independence
  • Eco-friendly and sustainable energy solution
  • User-friendly and easy to install
Product Review: 100 Y.O. Device Makes Solar Panels Obsolete


  • Controversial claims and lack of scientific evidence
  • Limited information available about the device’s functioning
  • Requires an initial investment
  • May not be suitable for all households or locations


  • Q: Is the 100 Y.O. Device compatible with all types of electrical systems?
  • A: The device is designed to be compatible with most electrical systems, but it is recommended to consult with a professional before installation.
  • Q: How long does it take to see a reduction in electricity bills after installing the device?
  • A: The timeframe for seeing a reduction in electricity bills may vary depending on various factors, such as energy consumption and location.
  • Q: Are there any warranties or guarantees for the device?
  • A: The device may come with warranties or guarantees, but it is advisable to check with the manufacturer or seller for specific details.

User Testimonials

Here are some real testimonials from users who have experienced the benefits of the 100 Y.O. Device:

  • “I have been using the 100 Y.O. Device for the past six months, and I have seen a significant reduction in my electricity bills. It’s incredible how much money I am saving!” – John D.
  • “I was skeptical at first, but after installing the 100 Y.O. Device, I noticed a difference in my energy consumption. It’s a great investment for anyone looking to save on their electricity bills.” – Sarah W.
Product Review: 100 Y.O. Device Makes Solar Panels Obsolete

Final Verdict

In conclusion, the 100 Y.O. Device offers the potential for significant cost savings on electricity bills and a sustainable alternative to traditional energy sources. While its claims may be controversial and lack scientific evidence, the device presents an intriguing option for those looking to reduce their carbon footprint and achieve energy independence. However, it is important to consider the initial investment and suitability for individual households or locations before making a decision.

Product Review: 100 Y.O. Device Makes Solar Panels Obsolete


Make an informed decision today and explore the possibilities with the 100 Y.O. Device. While its claims may be controversial, it offers the potential for cost savings and a cleaner, more sustainable future. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to reduce your electricity bills and contribute to a greener world. To learn more about the device and its availability, visit the official website.